If you thought riding the train in New York was hectic wait until you been on the metro in Shanghai.
Being a foreigner in a new country of course you are not use to the cultural norms of another country.
As an American you want to walk at your pace and eat a breakfast sandwich from dunking donuts with your cinnamon spice latte as you catch the train to work. Good luck with trying to do that on the metro in Shanghai. I don’t even think there is a Dunkin Donuts or anything of that sort in Shanghai because breakfast is not really a part of Chinese culture.
小编吐槽:中国人也次早饭的好不啦?还有啊,这个Dunkin Donuts,即唐恩都乐,在上海真的有开啊,也是够够的了……
Also getting on the train in Shanghai during rush hour, there is no way your walking in that crowd at your own pace! There is the option of walking in the back but that may end up in you waiting for the next train.
在上海,高峰时段想要坐上地铁 ,你根本就没法儿在拥挤的人群按着自己的步调来!当然你可以走在队伍后面,但最后你很可能就得等下一班地铁了。
One thing I can say for sure is that the trains and train stations in Shanghai are way cleaner than those in the states because of the no food or drinks regulation in Shanghai that’s actually followed for the most part. One of my American friends had to learn the hard way when he decided to eat his breakfast on the train on our way to work because we were running late and had somebody scold him about it.
A benefit of regulations on train stations in Shanghai is not having to worry about that same homeless guy you see on your way to work begging for change to buy a pack of cigs because there is none of that on the metro in Shanghai.
What you can expect on the train in Shanghai is the optional routine bags, luggage, or carryon check through a scanner.
I’ve noticed that people here use the escalators a lot at the train station, rarely would you find that many Chinese people going up a flight of steps when the escalator still works. I once noticed a crowd of people wait to use an escalator while there were only a handful of people using the steps, so if you are really looking to get around the crowd the steps are your best chance.
Once the train arrives don’t be afraid to snuggle in with a bunch of strangers because everybody wants to get on that train.
The most uncomfortable thing you might experience is the constant stares but eventually you will get use to it. I was uncomfortable at first but I would probably stare too if I seen a foreigner on the train that I don’t usually see.